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Who are Environmental Divers?

Environmental Divers organise groups of volunteers to go out and clean up our coastal areas and waterways.


By collecting debris and rubbish, our aim is to minimise the impact on our endangered Moreton Bay turtle species, dugong, fish, marine mammals and birdlife.


Our land-based volunteers collect rubbish from our beaches, mangroves and parklands and our team of divers collect rubbish from below and above the water.  Without our teams of rubbish collectors, the impact on our wildlife is plastic ingestion and entanglement in fishing line & crab pots.


We believe in minimising our own waste and picking up the rubbish that others have discarded. As an action-based group, we believe in both education and the removal of rubbish already polluting our waterways. We are an agnostic, community-based association without any political affiliations or agenda. Please support our efforts at a cleanup event or by making a donation.


"Environmental divers is a registered, not for profit Queensland association, run by a board of members who are against littering"  

Our Vision

Educate future generations and communities on reduce, re-use and recycle.  Which will prevent harming our physical habitats by removing chemical pollution and protecting our marine life, waterways and coastal environments. 

Our Mission

Actively remove rubbish from our oceans and waterways to protect endangered marine life by conducting community events. This creates cleaner oceans, which promotes healthy eco systems, benefiting communities and protecting future generations.

Our Mission

"We believe everyone can do their part and make a difference.

Take real action, by picking up any rubbish you see and stop it from entering our waterways"

We Need Your Support Today!

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