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14th Annual, Inskip Clean-Up Australia Day 2020

Run over 2 days, the 2020 Clean-Up Australia Day Crew got off to an early start Saturday morning. First stop was in the Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area, collecting rubbish and debris from a popular campground used by thousands of visitors every year.

After using a can of repellant to fend off the mozzies & midges, the crew managed to clean the first area, collecting dozens of bags of debris. An old discarded toilet was one of the most unsightly items the team stumbled across, along with thousands of pieces of rubbish.

Organised by Environmental Divers and supported by the Fraser Coast 4x4 Club, Clean-Up Australia Day, Gympie Regional Council and Queensland National Parks, 2020 marks our 14th year and 4 years that Fraser coast 4x4 club members have helped with this event.

Environmental Divers & Fraser Coast 4x4 Club doing their part for the community

At the end of day one, the teams had removed large bits of broken carpet, old tables, a toilet, over 2000 cigarette butts, bread ties and hundreds of plastic straws.

By day 2, more members from the Fraser Coast 4x4 club had arrived to help with the Sunday Clean-Up. After breakfast, everyone headed out into the recreation areas and worked their way through the remaining campsites, starting at M.V Beagle and finishing at M.V Sarawak

2020 Clean-Up Areas, Inskip Recreational Area

It was a huge effort from everyone involved and a special thank-you to Fraser coast 4x4 Club, Greg Wolff & kids, Kevin & Noral Pearson, Will O'Neill, Glen & Tracey Eastaughffe and kids, Mark & Karlie Holloway and Dennis Butler.

Looking forward to next year hope to see you all there

Enjoying a well deserved sausage
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