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Beach Clean-Up Day With Ocean Crusaders

Updated: May 11, 2020

After a Clean-Up dive earlier this year, the Environmental Divers crew were shocked to discover a Moreton Bay beach area littered with polystyrene, plastic, glass bottles and old fishing nets.

In support of the great work the Ocean Crusaders team do, the team reached out to Ian and volunteered their services for a Clean-Up Day of the area. With the area littered from large amounts of assorted rubbish, discarded fishing net, old ropes and plastic pontoons, a small but dedicated team were quickly organised to head out the next day and remove the rubbish.

A littered beach discovered by Environmental Divers on the way back from a recent Clean-Up Dive

After a great effort from a team of volunteers, Ian from Ocean Crusaders said, "Another day in beautiful Moreton Bay and unfortunately another boatload of rubbish. That's a lot of polystyrene, plastic and glass bottles from such a small area".

"With just a small team of people, the crew collected over 770kg of debris and rubbish", said Ian.

Peter White from Environmental Divers said, "Unfortunately, every-time our team conduct a Clean-Up Dive we also find beach areas covered in litter".

"Today it was great to join Ian and his team to collect beach rubbish and do our small part in helping to protect the Moreton Bay marine life, that are being injured and killed every day", said Peter.

Volunteers from Environmental Divers & Ocean Crusaders Cleaning Rubbish from Moreton Bay

A big thank you to Ian, Jacquie and Kim who were joined by Peter and Anna in a second boat from Environmental Divers. And thanks again to Ocean Crusaders for making a difference.

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