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'Grouper' joins Curtin Artificial Clean-Up Dive

Updated: Jan 16, 2020

Visibility was great for the Curtin Clean-Up dive when the Environmental Divers team dropped in on the 'Estrella del Mar' wreck and they were greeted by a massive Grouper and School of Surgeons.

Karen from Environmental Divers said, "It was an awesome dive at Moreton Island, with lots of fish and great visibility, although there was a lot of snagged fishing line".

"We found a lot of bright yellow fishing line zig-zagging across the wrecks which were tangling and trapping small fish and invertebrates. After 20 minutes the team had collected a bunch of debris, including old anchors, rope, tie-down straps and lots of fishing line".

Raising debris from the Ocean Floor

Having dived Curtin, the Environmental Divers team were pleased with the haul of rubbish collected, but also realised there is a lot more work to be done. After the 'Estrella del Mar' the team scoped out the 'Loevenstein' wreck and found even more debris to be collected on future dives.

"Some of the additional items removed today from the reef include glass bottles, fishing rod and reels and old cans", said the Environmental Diver's team.

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