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Our passion, our life. Protecting our waterways & wildlife.

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

Over the past decade many of the Environmental Divers team have been removing rubbish and debris from national parks & waterways all over Queensland, organising friends and clean-up crews to help when they can. Their passion to improve the environment for the next generation and the protection of our oceans and marine life has continued to grow, along with their skills in removing debris from coastal waterways.

The president of Environmental Divers, Peter White said "Combining a passion for scuba diving & the environment has led me to ocean clean-ups and the results are amazing on what we are achieving. My future goal is now clear, to turn a weekend passion into a full-time environmental crusade with Environmental Divers, but we need your support. As a not-for profit association, myself and a like minded team of divers have established this action-based community group".

"Our mission is to spend maximum time cleaning-up the ocean floor and to then also educate others on how to do their part. Our land-based volunteers collect rubbish from our beaches, mangroves and park lands and our team of divers collect rubbish from below-and-above the water" said Peter. 

Peter says "Without our teams of rubbish collectors, the impact on our wildlife is plastic ingestion and entanglement in fishing line & crab pots. By collecting debris and rubbish, our aim is to minimise the impact on our endangered Moreton Bay turtle species, dugong, fish, marine mammals and bird life".

However, the reality for the Environmental Divers team is, it costs a significant amount of money and time to run a clean-up boat and diving equipment, along with time away from work. Without the support of community grants, company grants and donations from the public, the reality of what Environmental Divers do is not sustainable.

Peter said "As a not-for-profit association, we have reached out to some amazing people for their support, building a committee of members with very diverse skills, all putting their faith into our collective passion for the environment"

Improving the environment for the next generation and the protection of our oceans and marine life

Most importantly, Environmental Divers is an agnostic, community-based association without any political affiliations or agenda, apart from cleaning up our oceans and saving our marine life".

Collecting rubbish from Gold Coast Seaway

As Environmental Divers move forward, they are looking for funding to be able to continue what the team have been doing, to expand and take on even bigger projects with more time in the water. 

Please get involved by making a donation towards equipment or financial support or email

Please also get in touch if you know of any Financial Grants that may be available, for community-based organisations and associations like Environmental Divers?

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